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Conducting a study with over 500 participants on the importance of environmental issues in employer branding and consumer behavior.

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What do future employees understand by sustainability? Does it play a role in recruiting? And in which sectors in particular? These questions are becoming increasingly relevant, partly due to the shortage of skilled workers and partly due to increasingly conscious job seekers. To answer these questions, icons carried out an in-depth study at the end of 2022, combining results from over 20 industries.


The data for the study was collected using a survey in which 557 people took part.
In the first two parts of the survey, participants were asked to provide demographic and socio-economic data. Subsequently, priorities in the selection of the employer were asked. The survey began with general criteria, followed by sustainability-related criteria. The order of the sections was deliberately chosen to counteract any influence.
In addition, care was taken to ensure an equal distribution of economic, ecological and social aspects when selecting the sustainability-relevant factors.


The findings paint a clear picture of the expectations of a new generation of employees. They also underline the importance of values in a changing professional world. It is data like this that enables companies to successfully compete for talent and shape their corporate culture for the future.

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