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Acquisition of technical employees
by adapting the employer branding
and redefining the values of Taifun Tofu

We will help you with your challenge.


Taifun Tofu has been producing vegan and organic tofu specialties since 1987 and contacted icons for support in finding technical students as employees. Furthermore, the aim was to eliminate the ambiguities about the perception of the company's external image and to create a clear employer branding concept.


Once the target group had been precisely defined, a survey was created with the aim of finding out the values of the employers in this target group. Of the 102 participants in the survey, nine were invited to individual interviews and asked more detailed questions about Taifun's external image and their wishes regarding employers. The survey results and interviews were then evaluated in order to create a precise concept for Taifun's further course of action.


As part of the data analysis, both the most popular career platforms among the target group and important motivational/demotivational factors of potential employees were identified. Furthermore, a possible redefinition of Taifun's values was formulated to make the company's external image more appealing to technical students. Finally, icons developed five concrete next steps that will enable Taifun to transition to the desired target status.

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