icons ist Austria’s Most Innovative and
Austria’s Most Sustainable Junior Enterprise 2024.
We are proud to announce that we received two awards in May 2024. Junior Enterprises Austria (JEA), the umbrella organization of student organizations in Austria, presented us with the prestigious awards for „Austria’s Most Innovative Junior Enterprise“ and „Austria’s Most Sustainable Junior Enterprise“ 2024.

Austria’s Most Innovative Junior Enterprise 2024.

Over a period of twelve weeks, the internal recruitment task force focused on refining the recruitment strategy and optimizing the assessment centerbased on specific requirement criteria. A central aspect of this revision was the focus on diversity and the recognition of its essential role in the success of icons. By implementing the results of the Recruitment Taskforce, new records were set for the number of applicants in the two subsequent semesters.
Since the implementation of the measures, an average of 40% of the applicants invited to the introductory phase of icons come from a business background. In addition, at least 42% of the Fellow generations have since been women..
The continuous improvement of our recruiting processes is of central importance to us. The success of the task force shows that icons-consulting by students not only masters external projects with flying colors, but also continuously strives for excellence internally.
Austria’s Most Sustainable Junior Enterprise 2024.
In 2020, the construction industry was responsible for around 35% of global CO₂ emissions and therefore has enormous potential to reduce them. The Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft has committed itself to the goal of sustainable building . As part of a project, the emissions from construction phases A4 (transportation of building materials and equipment to the construction site) and A5 (all processes on site during the construction phase of a building) were to be investigated. For this purpose, we have developed a Excel-Calculator which approximately calculates the emissions of these two construction phases. The calculator was validated during the course of the project using a completed construction project and showed a deviation of only 2% compared to the actual CO₂ emissions.

Through this project, we have not only made a significant sustainable contribution by identifying critical sources of emissions and thus enabling their reduction, but have also raised awareness of the importance of sustainability in the construction industry and highlighted the relevance of this topic.
Why icons - consulting by students?
The awards confirm what our clients already know: At icons-consulting by students, we combine academic knowledge with practical experienceto provide innovative and sustainable solutions. Our team of motivated and talented students is passionate about delivering the best results with professional expertise.