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Conception of a brand positioning and product proposition strategy for A1, Austria's leading telecommunications company.

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With a turnover of over 2.5 billion euros and more than 5 million customers, A1 is Austria's leading communications provider with the vision of connecting people and bringing A1 to every screen. In 2021, A1 planned to launch a new student brand for mobile products, which required support in identifying possible distribution channels, brand positioning and product positioning. Furthermore, potential USPs of the student brand were to be identified and verified.


icons analyzed the marketing measures of 52 comparable companies in a first step by means of secondary data research and thus identified the most significant marketing approaches. In order to better assess the effectiveness of the approaches and prioritize them accordingly, they were discussed with a group of potential customers. The approaches were also reviewed in a second instance by comparing them with local and international best practices.


Through the targeted exchange with the target group, the results of the initial research were reviewed and further developed, and completely new approaches for the brand message were developed. This resulted in concrete best practices and recommendations for action to position the student brand in the areas of brand message, marketing and sales. A1 successfully launched the new mobile brand for students in October 2021.

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